The Čerčanské Koupadel offers accommodation in rooms with bunk beds. There is a shared kitchen and bathroom with showers. Camping and caravan parking is possible on a large adjacent meadow with a camping ground.
DOBRObistro is a bit of a café and a pastry shop, but also a salad bar and a wrap, a soup bar, a bread bar and sometimes a pancake bar. From Monday to Friday we offer a light lunch menu with an emphasis on meatless dishes, but lovers of the classics - sandwiches, cured meats and cheeses - will also find something to their liking. We bake tasty cakes and buns daily, and the breakfast menu sometimes includes a bundt cake with homemade marmalade, sometimes fresh, crispy doughnuts with pate or legume spread also from our kitchen, but also yoghurt glasses or pancakes. Even homemade biscuits are great, you will be able to choose from several types every day.
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