Šibeniční vrch - Mnichovice Booking.com

The Šibeniční vrch sports complex can be found in the village of Mnichovice, near Prague, not far from the village of Hrusice, home of the famous cat Mikes.


Tachyon Sport Arena - Čerčany

Tachyon Sport Arena is a sports complex designed primarily for dog sports. You can find it near Prague, in Čerčany at Brigádníků 176, next to the restaurant Pyšelka. It offers outdoor and indoor training areas. The hall offers a training area of 67 x 25 m, which can accommodate two full-size racing courses. It is heated in winter and air-conditioned in summer. The indoor surface is made of Juta Grass Play Comfort artificial grass, used at the 2012 and 2017 World Championships in Liberec. There is a comfortable grandstand in the hall. The outdoor training area is 80 x 40 m and is divided into two parcours.


Ubytování U Míly - Hrusice Booking.com

The ancient and completely authentic cottage with the descriptive number 1 directly on the square offers comfortable living with the atmosphere of Lada's pictures.


Zahrady Myšlín - Myšlín

The gardens of Myšlín are a beautiful setting for celebrations and weddings, but also an inspiring place for education, workshops, learning about folk traditions, and in the summer there are suburban camps for children. Your journey from the gardens can continue along the famous Mikes Trail through the forests and meadows of the Lada region. Come and relax and recharge your batteries in the gardens in Myslin near Mnichovice.